
public extension Int

This extension will add a new set of capabilities to the native Int data type.

  • This method allows us to mask a discrete bit range within the number, and return its value as a basic Int.

    For example, if we have the hex number 0xF30 (3888 decimal, or 111100110000 binary), we can mask parts of it to get masked values, like so:

       // 111100110000 (Value, in binary)
       // 111111111111 (Mask, in binary)
       let wholeValue = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 0, runLength: 12)     // Returns 3888
       // 111111110000
       let lastByte = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 4, runLength: 8)        // Returns 243
       // 000000000011
       let lowestTwoBits = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 0, runLength: 2)   // Returns 0
       // 000000111100
       let middleTwelve = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 2, runLength: 4)    // Returns 12
       // 000111100000
       let middleNine = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 5, runLength: 4)      // Returns 9
       // 011111111111
       let theFirstElevenBits = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 0, runLength: 11) // Returns 1840
       // 111111111110
       let theLastElevenBits = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 1, runLength: 11)  // Returns 1944
       // 000000110000
       let lowestTwoBitsOfTheSecondHalfOfTheFirstByte = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 4, runLength: 2)          // Returns 3
       // 000001100000
       let secondToLowestTwoBitsOfTheSecondHalfOfTheFirstByte = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 5, runLength: 2)  // Returns 1
       // 000011000000
       let thirdFromLowestTwoBitsOfTheSecondHalfOfTheFirstByte = 3888.maskedValue(firstPlace: 6, runLength: 2) // Returns 0

    This is BIT-based, not BYTE-based, and assumes the number is in a linear (bigendian) format, in which the least significant bit is the rightmost one (position one). In reality, this doesn’t matter, as the language takes care of transposing byte order.

    • prerequisites:

      • The sum of firstPlace and runLength cannot exceed the maximum size of a UInt64.
      • The value of the Int must be positive.
      • The parameters must be positive.



    func maskedValue(firstPlace inFirstPlace: Int, runLength inRunLength: Int) -> Int



    The 1-based (1 is the first bit) starting position for the mask. Must be a positive integer.


    The inclusive (includes the starting place) number of bits to mask. Must be a positive integer. If 0, then the return will always be 0.

    Return Value

    An Int, with the masked value.