
public class A_RVP_Cocoa_SDK_Data_Object : A_RVP_Cocoa_SDK_Object

This is a generic “data database” class, encapsulating the generic methods and data items that go with the data database.

Public Properties and Calculated Properties

  • Declaration


    override public var asDictionary: [String : Any?] { get }

    Return Value

    all of the values for this object, as a Dictionary. READ ONLY

  • Declaration


    public var isPayloadDirty: Bool { get }

    Return Value

    true, if we have a payload (or we no longer have a payload), and that represents a change from the original.

  • Declaration


    public var rawBase64Payload: String? { get set }

    Return Value

    the payload as a raw, Base64-encoded String.

  • Declaration


    public var payload: RVP_Cocoa_SDK_Payload? { get }

    Return Value

    the payload, as interpreted. If possible. The payload will be expressed as a Data object. The type will be the MIME type. READ ONLY

  • Declaration


    public var childrenIDs: [String : [Int]] { get }

    Return Value

    a Dictionary of Arrays of Int, with the IDs (not objects) of “children” records. The possible Dictionary keys are “people”, “places” and “things”. Each of the values will be an Array of Int, with the Children IDs. READ ONLY

  • Declaration


    public var distance: Measurement<UnitLength>? { get }

    Return Value

    the distance, as a Measurement value, of the object from the search center. This gives priority to the distance from the search location. If none is available, then it uses a distance returned from the server. If that is not available, then it reurns nil. READ ONLY

  • Declaration


    public var isFuzzy: Bool { get }

    Return Value

    true, if the instance is fuzzy. READ ONLY

  • Declaration


    public var fuzzFactor: Double? { get set }

    Return Value

    a “fuzz factor,” which is the number of Kilometers of “slop” that location obfuscation uses. Be aware that it may not be available, in which case, this will be nil. If you set (or clear) the fuzz factor, the “isFuzzy” value may be changed.

  • Declaration


    public var canSeeThroughTheFuzz: Int? { get set }

    Return Value

    an Int, which is the token assigned as an “extra” token that “can see through the fuzz,” meaning that holders of that token can see the “raw” location.

  • Declaration


    public var location: CLLocationCoordinate2D? { get set }

    Return Value

    the longitude and latitude as a coordinate. Be aware that they may not be available, in which case, it will be nil.

  • Declaration


    public var searchLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D? { get }

    Return Value

    the search location as a coordinate pair. This is a special property with the center of a radius search. If the object already has a “distance” property returned from the server, this is ignored. Otherwise, if it is provided, and the object has a long/lat, the “distance” read-only property will return a CoreLocation-calculated distance in Kilometers from this center. READ ONLY

  • Declaration


    public var rawLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D? { get }

    Return Value

    the “raw” longitude and latitude as a coordinate. Be aware that they may not be available, in which case, it will be nil. READ ONLY

Public Instance Methods

  • This is the default initializer.



    public override init(sdkInstance inSDKInstance: RVP_Cocoa_SDK?, objectInfoData inData: [String : Any])



    REQUIRED (Can be nil) This is the SDK instance that “owns” this object. It may be nil for history instances.


    REQUIRED This is the parsed JSON data for this object, as a Dictionary.

  • This asks the server to return all of the “children” objects. It could result in a fairly large response.



    public func fetchChildrenObjects(refCon inRefCon: Any?)



    This is an optional Any parameter that is simply returning attached data to the delegate. The data is sent during the initial call. “refCon” is a very old concept, that stands for “Reference Context.” It allows the caller of an async operation to attach context to a call.